Optimizing Your Website… It’s Easy Folks!
If the phrase Search Engine Optimization hasn’t sent you running for the hills already, then you better cover your ears. It’s time to implement SEO in your website! This process can be very pleasant when guided with the proper information.
Blogs and websites are a wonderful way for one to create validity and exposure within your industry. However, they serve no purpose floating around cyber-space, nowhere to be found. For this reason you must not only advertise your blog on networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn, you must OPTIMIZE.
Using Search Engine Optimization (SEO) within your blog is a similar process to optimizing your website. As we know, websites are an extension of your business and should represent who you are and the story you wish to tell. In the same respect, blogs should represent your ideas and provide valuable information to your audience. Once this fundamental foundation is set in place, you are ready to optimize.
Search engines spider or crawl blogs in the same manner they crawl websites. The best advantage you have in your blog is frequency. If you are using your blog correctly, you are updating on a consistent basis, which search engines love. Mark your calendar, decide how often you are going to post to your blog and be consistent. Remember your subscribers; they are waiting for your message – do not disappoint them.
In addition, the content you post should also be relevant and titled with interesting keywords, also known as linkbating. These keywords should be strategically placed throughout your article. Search engines will pick up on keyword stuffing and you may be reprimanded or removed. I assure you, internet death is fun for no one.
Things to remember:
- Proper consistency and relevance will outweigh the length
- Remember your archived items – you may want to repost articles if a topic becomes relevant
- Use relevant and catchy blog titles
- Maintain keywords throughout your article/blog – but do not overwhelm the reader or the search engine
Each blogging platform is different. Working with an agency or individual who knows the ins and outs of blogging platforms can streamline your experience. With the rise of blogging and SEO in the past decade, becoming acclimated has proven to be a learning curve for most of us. However, take it from a former rookie, it can be done!
Happy Optimizing!