Congratulations again, your visitor has still not clicked the “Back Button”. This means that they have decided that you could, perhaps, maybe, be the organization to meet their need. You have not scared them away with a rundown web site and you seem to be a credible organization. However, the chance that they have landed on the exact page with the correct call to action about the exact product or service that they are seeking is small. Your ability to “set the hook” with this visitor now depends on the structure and organization of your site. Several factors contribute to your sites effectiveness in establishing a relationship with this visitor.
The first thing that your visitor will judge is how well the page layout and the content in the pages represent your product or service. Lanex will create visually appealing and effective page layouts. An effective page layout will be targeted to your audience, and the type of product or service you have. An audience of engineers will expect much different page content than will someone looking for an attorney to represent them. In one case it is all about capacity, dimensions, and features; in the other case it will be about personality and philosophy. Lanex’s expert design services account for this in the design process and are used to create page templates that are an excellent match for your needs.
The next thing that a visitor will take advantage of is the site structure. Your site will use one or more menus to facilitate the visitor’s journey as he or she explores your site. It is important to think in terms of the needs of your visitor, and not in terms of how your departments, for instance, are organized. This means that your will use your main menu area to make it easy to navigate quickly to the information your visitor is looking for. Site structure also includes footer and banner – areas that lead your visitor to explore, or inform them of new or unique items that they may not be aware of.
In many cases you may have more pages than can be comfortably navigated using a single menu. In this case, use tools such as site search tools and sub menus to help your visitor find what they are looking for. Provide direct links from pages to related content such as installation manuals, specifications, etc. that may be too cumbersome to show on each page.
Finally, make it easy to engage with your visitor. Provide easy-to-find contact information: where you are located, who they should contact. Provide your address and phone number on every page so they know that you are “real”. Provide appropriate inquiry forms, but give the visitor the option to provide the minimum information that you need to effectively connect your visitor to the correct person in your organization. Consider several forms that each routes to the correct person depending on needs.
We hope that you find the Lanex approach to effective website design as compelling as we do. We would like to talk to you about the ways we can serve you. Please contact us so we can help you meet your goals.