Content is king in the realm of internet marketing and if you don’t know who you are writing for you are in a world without sunlight. Going back to our previous post, like fish people feed off things that are fresh, colorful and appealing that is how you’re going to get the most bites (clicks).
Content needs to be fresh and relevant and then updated on a regular basis, your audience will notice stale content that has not been updated in years. Content building and consistency are ideal for your SEO [Search Engine Optimization] strategies.
The real question is how do you know who your target audience is and how do you reach them? Lanex suggests the following:
- Market research to determine demographic information like age, gender, culture, race, income etc., although many businesses may know who their demographic is already but many are unsure.
- Look at your previous customers, who are they, why do you think they chose you? , what have you done differently that others may not have?
- The visual appeal of your website should be tailored to your audience and why they are coming to your site…what does your audience want to see? Why should they choose to view your site over hundreds of others?
- Viewing your competitor’s websites and how they do things and understanding your industry is key in deciding how to create a website and content. Lanex can help assure that your new web site will be a content rich site that is appealing to your target audience. When you engage Lanex for your web site content and SEO strategies, we will research your competitors, keywords for your industry and find out how your business can surpass your competitors. The goal of this of course is allow your target audience to find your site quickly with their favorite search engine.
Lanex will provide you with guidance that will help you with your SEO and help to increase your page rankings through content development, link building, social media, blogging and more.